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Wealth Trees Feng Shui Keychain

Wealth Trees Feng Shui Keychain
Wealth Trees Feng Shui Keychain
Wealth Trees Feng Shui Keychain
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Wealth Trees Feng Shui Keychain
Wealth Trees Feng Shui Keychain
Wealth Trees Feng Shui Keychain
Wealth Trees Feng Shui Keychain
  • SKU#: SKU3745 (Out Of Stock)
  • Weight: 40g
  • Dim: 1.875x2.25 in, Lgth 5 in (4.8x5.7 cm, 13 cm)
  • Material: Metal

This Wealth Trees features golden and red leaves, crystals and colorful birds, is designed to build up auspicious energy created by the annual #8 Prosperity Star in 2017. Carrying this beautiful Feng Shui keychain is said to magnify this prosperity energy, thus enhancing wealth and income luck. With prosperity luck from this star, abundant opportunities arise to increase income and business success. Anyone can benefit from the Wealth Trees, especially those who anticipate and would welcome increased money-making projects. In 2017, those who live in a bedroom in the East, or whose home entrance is in the East would be strongly advised to get this feng shui item, as would those who are Rabbit-born or an eldest son in a family.

In the year 2018, the Prosperity Star #8 blows into the SE (affecting Snakes & Dragons), 2019 into Center corner (affecting everyone) and 2020 into NorthWest corner (affecting Dogs and Boars).

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