- SKU#: SKU2026 (Out Of Stock)
- Weight: 35g
- Dim: 0.5x0.375x0.25 in, 10.5 in Lgth (1.3x0.9x0.6 cm, 26 cm)
- Material: Jade
This charm will help compensate the lack of luck and success, even if the year's horoscope prediction does not look good.
In the Chinese zodiac or horoscope 12-year cycle, every year has a different animal sign, and those born in that year are said to have the characteristics and traits that animal portrays. These animals, in order, are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. In traditional Chinese astrology, the twelve animals can further be categorised into four groups of three animal allies, buddies or friends, also known as San He (three harmonies). Anyone born to a specific zodiac will get along very well with their two astrological ally friends in the group. The Ox, Rooster and Snake form one of the four zodiac allies group and will have special affinities between them.
To best harness your horoscope friends, carry this horoscope allies amulet with you wherever you go. You can also hang this lucky charm in your car or in your office. Doing so will help compensate the lack of luck and success, even if the year's horoscope prediction does not look good. Your zodiac friends will give you the power and vigour to get through these tricky times, as well as excel in your studies or business endeavours.
In addition to this, your zodiac allies will help you with your relationships, keeping your friends loyal and your enemies at bay. You will be safeguarded from betrayal and backstabbing, and you will be able to attract new, worthy friends as well as helpful people into your life.
This horosocpe good luck charm is a highly popular item in Feng Shui, recommended by many Feng Shui masters, and everyone should definitely use theirs to their biggest advantage.
This lucky charm made of high quality jade is assembled with other good luck symbols as well like the Mystic Knot - for good relationship luck and Wu Lou - for good health. A perfect good luck birthday gift! A simply must-have!
What is your Chinese horoscope sign?