- SKU#: SKU2139
- Weight: 40g
- Dim: 0.625x0.625x0.875 in (each wulou), 8.5 in Lgth (1.6x1.6x2.2 cm)
- Material: Crystal
Lovely health charm made up of five different crystal wulou to represent the five elements. The five elements are the basis of many Feng Shui formula, and when they are in balance, promotes harmony and good feng shui.
The fve crystals used are clear quartz, Tiger's Eye/Gold Sand, rose quartz, aventurine and obsidian.
Clear Quartz protects one from the bad intentions of those who surround you. It will disperse any negative energy arousing from jealousy or hatred, and balance it out with positive vibes. It will use the negative energy and convert it into energy which can heal, and saves it for the future. Clear Quartz will heal your mind by balancing your thinking methods and rejuvenating the chi within your being.
Goldsand stone is known as the “wish-fulfilling stone” in Indian culture and helps ward off evil spirits. It brings light and energy to anyone who wears it.
Tiger's Eye boosts positive attitude and determination hence useful for those seeking success in their career and those with high ambitions.
The Rose Quartz, or the stone of unconditional love. It can enhance love and romance luck in every aspect of your life. Also, for individuals who have been hurt and had their hearts broken before, the Rose Quartz will heal the old wounds of the past by promoting compassion and forgiveness.
Aventurine is a stone of strong mystical powers of comfort that heals the heart and soul. This stone has the ability to cure mental distractions, such as anger and overworked emotions, and replace those feelings with calm and clarity. Aventurine will enhance self-confidence and leadership abilities.
Black obsidian stone does wonders for improving self-image and enhancing self-esteem. Obsidian will induce personal development and allow you to overcome any obstacles in your way. It will protect you from any negative forces or bad intentions, and will rid your mind of any ailments such as depression or stress.
There are many symbols of longevity; one of these is Wu Lou, which can bring a profusion of blessings into the home. This special bottle gourd has been an icon of longevity for centuries, synonymous with good health, vitality and protection against accidents.
The traditional of the Wu Lou started in ancient China, when gourds served the purpose of carrying water on long embarkments. In addition to simply water, medicine was also stored in the gourds; this is where the image of it as a “symbol of health, vitality and immortality ” was derived.
The shape itself of the Wu Lou plays an important role in its image; it is a depiction of heaven and earth unified. The top half of the gourd symbolizes heaven, and the bottom half is earth. The use of the gourd by humans indicates the harmony between earth, heaven and humanity.
The Wu Lou is also said to have the ability to absorb bad chi, for the reason that Taoist monks use the gourd to incarcerate evil spirits. According to Chinese mythology, monks and deities of the Taoist belief made use of the gourd, trapping evil presences inside to prevent them from causing misdemeanour. This is where the Wu Lou got the ideology of being able to absorb negative chi in your surrounding.
Carry or hang this Wulou amulet near you as it's said to attract health energies and prevent any diseases or health problems. A thoughful gift for someone facing illness or undergoing a medical treatment as it's believed to give them strength to recover. People who often face difficulties with bad luck you will find this charm helpful as it's reputed to absorb bad chi. Hang it in your office or car to neutralize negative energies that can harm your career or cause accidents on the road respectively. A must-have especially if your horoscope sign is afflicted by the Illness energy of the year.