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5-Element Crystal Bracelet

5-Element Crystal Bracelet
5-Element Crystal Bracelet
  • SKU#: SKU1318
  • Weight: 50g
  • Dim: 5-10 in lgth (8mm or 10mm beads dia.)
  • Material: Crystal

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A bracelet made up of five different fabulous crystals.

Clear Quartz is known to be the headiest healing stone. It will protect from many things, one being the bad intentions of those who surround you. It will disperse any negative energy arousing from jealousy or hatred, and balance it out with positive vibes. It will use the negative energy and convert it into energy which can heal, and saves it for the future. Clear Quartz will heal your mind by balancing your thinking methods and rejuvenating the chi within your being. By equalling out the energies of the spirit, body and mind, you will be able to think clearly and achieve a sense of tranquillity and self-harmony. Both your attentiveness and memory capabilities will be enhanced, and your negative karma will be refreshed.

The smoky quartz is an effective stone for those looking to overcome lack of motivation. If you feel tired, depressed and lethargic, the Smoky Quartz will serve to promote a longer attention span and lift your mood. You will be able to see more clearly and make better decisions. Also, you will have a more positive state of mind, and this will allow you to feel happier in your own skin. The Smoky Quartz is very effective when presented to individuals who are under immense stress. It will repress the effects of panic attacks, and well as prevent insomnia and other stress-induced ailments.

For many centuries, this yellow stone has been known as the "stone of wealth", due to its potency to attract abundance and prosperity. For those who carry it with them, it will serve as a money magnet, bringing business success, an abundance of affluence and lots of luck. Citrine will also safeguard your current assets, defending them from any thieves, malicious competitors or economic downfall. This Feng Shui crystal can benefit the beholder in physical aspects as well by promoting better blood flow throughout your body. This “happy stone” will also create mental wellbeing by ridding your mind of negative thoughts and stimulating joy and contentment. Citrine has been known to overcome fears and phobias, promote inner calm and stop anger.

Aventurine is a stone of strong mystical powers of comfort that heals the heart and soul. This stone has the ability to cure mental distractions, such as anger and overworked emotions, and replace those feelings with calm and clarity. Aventurine can also heal physical problems, such as heart malfunctions, and promote and overall wellbeing. It will also help to speed up recuperation after life-threatening diseases and serious surgeries. For those who are involved in competitive careers, Aventurine will enhance self-confidence and leadership abilities. This will give you an edge over your competition, allowing you to summon the skills to advance in your field of work. It allows for better decision making and clever, quick thinking. It will also create a sense of joy and friendliness, which will make you more well-liked among your employees and superiors.

Agate is a stone deeply desired by many Feng Shui followers. It provides many benefits, one of which is enhancing the capabilities of the mind. Agate will clear your consciousness of all frustrations and distractions, allowing you to think clearly and enhance attentiveness. With Agate, one attains the power to think quickly on their feet and solve problems swiftly. Furthermore, with a clear mind, you will be able to rid your life of any tensions and resentment, making more room for love and happiness. Agate is also very beneficial to ones self-esteem and self-image. This mystical stone will increase the confidence you have in yourself, creating an environment in which you can attain your aspirations. Agate will eliminate any fears you may have, and replace them with the strength to be courageous in the face of any event.

This bracelet is elastic and available in 8mm or 10mm diameter beads, and from length of 5 inches to 10 inches. Crystal will be cleansed before shipping.

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