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Blue Liuli Medicine Buddha

Blue Liuli Medicine Buddha
Blue Liuli Medicine Buddha
Blue Liuli Medicine Buddha
Blue Liuli Medicine Buddha
Out Of Stock
Blue Liuli Medicine Buddha
Blue Liuli Medicine Buddha
Blue Liuli Medicine Buddha
Blue Liuli Medicine Buddha
Blue Liuli Medicine Buddha
  • SKU#: SKU5205 (Out Of Stock)
  • Weight: 190g
  • Dim: 2.25x1.5x3.25 in (5.5x4x8.5 cm)
  • Material: Glass

Display this beautiful Blue Liuli Medicine Buddha in the center of your home, in the sector afflicted by #2 Illness Star, in the car or in the living/main room as this is said help protect yourself from physical injuries and mental sickness, to eradicate illness and sufferings, and to remove obstacles to having a long life with healthy body and mind.

Medicine Buddha, also known as the Healing Buddha, the King of Healer, the Master of Healing, Medicine Master or the King of Lapis Lazuli Light is the most revered model of a healer in Mahayana Buddhism. According to the Medicine Buddha sutra, among the 12 vows he made upon attaining Enlightenment was to heal beings born with illness, physical sufferings and deformities, to heal mental afflictions and delusions, to help relieve the sick and the destitute, and to help the oppressed be free from suffering. Those who are sick or injured who call upon him will get his help. He will aid those who wish to live a long and healthy life.

Worshipped as the dispenser of spiritual medicine that could heal physical, spiritual and psychological illness, it is believed that the invocation of his name or simply thinking of him is therapeutic and helps purifiy negative karma. He is depicted holding a blooming Myrobalan plant in an extended gesture of giving. According to Tibetan belief, the Myrobalan is the only herb that is able to aid in healing the three conflicting emotions that are the root causes of illnesses, namely passion, aggression and ignorance. His left hand is in the meditation mudra position and holds a bowl filled with miraculous healing nectar.

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