- SKU#: SKU2464
- Weight: 400g
- Dim: 6x5x4.5 in (15.2x12.7x11.4 cm)
- Material: Crystal
Due to this amazing ability of converting negativities to positive energy, clear quartz is often used for energizing other crystals.
This beautiful Crystal Tree, comprised of a trunk of resin and branches of twisted wire, drizzled with Clear Quartz crystal bits.
Clear Quartz is one of the most fascinating stone that will protect from many things, one being the bad intentions of those who surround you. It will disperse any negative energy from external influences arousing from jealousy or hatred, and balance it out with positive and harmonious vibes. It will use the negative energy and convert it into energy which can heal, and saves it for future use. Due to this amazing ability of converting negativities to positive energy, clear quartz is often used for energizing other crystals. Crystal collectors should at least have one clear quartz stone with them.
This Feng Shui crystal will heal your mind by balancing your thinking methods and rejuvenating the chi within your being. By balancing the energies of the spirit, body and mind, you will be able to think clearly and achieve a sense of tranquillity and self-harmony. Both your concentration and memory capabilities will be enhanced, creativity and inspiration increased - an ideal stone for students.
In addition to this, Clear Quartz can safeguard your body from dangerous forms of radiation and static electricity, which can cause physical damages to your organs and blood. This will serve to improve your immune system, keeping you healthy and well.
Here are some Feng Shui tips on the placement of this good luck symbol:
1) To enhance educational luck, display a Feng Shui crystal Tree in the Northeast corner (Feng Shui Bagua formula) of the student’s bedroom.
2) Positioning a Crystal Tree in the Earth sector (Center) of the main family room is said to serve to improve harmony and bonds between family members. Multi-faceted crystals such as crystal chips is said to be able to break up and disperse negative energy in its surrounding to allow in fresher and newer Chi to enter and meander a premises.
3) To hone your study skills and create improved memory and attentiveness, placing this Feng Shui Wish-Fulfilling Crystal Tree on your work or study desk is believed to help.
4) According to Feng Shui Bagua 8 Life Aspiration formula, the Northwest sector is the sector of Mentor Luck; it is for this reason that displaying a Crystal tree in this corner is said to create money luck and support from influential icon in your work life. This works because the Earth energy of crystal produces Metal energy, the base element of Northwest sector. Mentor Luck, Nobleman Luck or "Gui Ren" luck is the kind of luck that will bring you a good samaritan or someone kind and helpful who will give you a lending hand or a life-changing push during times of distress, trouble and difficulty; not necessarily in the form of money but also opportunities, wise advice, support, encouragement or simply be there to listen.
5) The lucky Mountain Star 8 is a great enhancer of networking luck; placing the Feng Shui crystal Tree in this site of your home is believed to create for you a greater sense of popularity, as well as improve your current relationships.
6) To increase luck in the areas of love and romance, family harmony, as well as the wellbeing of the family matriarch, display this Wish-fulfilling Crystal Tree in the Southwest sector (governor of Romance and Love luck, according to Feng Shui Bagua 8 Life Aspiration formula) of your bedroom or main family room. The Crystal Tree will also have the most effect in the SouthWest sector, because it is of the Earth element. It will assist in facilitating closeness between spouses or rejuvenating a lagging relationship.