- SKU#: SKU4010 (Out Of Stock)
- Weight: 65g
- Dim: 2x1.875x0.125 in, Lgth 4.125 in (5x4.8x0.3 cm, 10.5 cm)
- Material: Metal
This gorgeous Education and Scholastic keychain features a Carp that turns into a Dragon after successfully crossing the Dragon Gate, a sign of empowerment and great success in Feng Shui. The artwork features the Dragon with the Four Scholastic Objects for all-round talents and skills.
This specially designed keychain is said to attract scholastic luck, including good fortune when taking exams. This applies especially to those in college or those who have graduated at any level and are now facing the task of getting a job. Those who are young adults entering the workforce, or young children who are hoping to have a successful education could benefit from keeping this Feng Shui keychain close by. Those whose Zodiac sign, bedroom or main door blessed by the #4 Academic Star are strongly advised to carry this keychain too.
Legend has it that one brave Carp persevered to swim upstream against the powerful force of the Yellow river to reach the Dragon gate. He fought his way over waterfalls and rocks all the way to the ultimate destination and finally was rewarded by being transformed into a dragon. In Feng Shui dragons are the ultimate emblem of good luck, their breath in our life is what we are trying to attract and encourage. Thus carp’s is conducive to inviting the breath of the dragon.