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Medallion for Protection from Third Party Interference
- SKU#: SKU2171 (Out Of Stock)
- Weight: 50g
- Dim: Dia. 1.625 in, Lgth 3.75 in (Dia. 4.1 cm, 9.5 cm)
- Material: Metal
This medallion is specially designed to protect one from relationship meltdown, whether with your other half, relatives, your business partner, colleagues or friends from third party interference. In the office, this amulet protects against betrayals, backstabbing and office politicking, and anyone who wish to come between two people who are getting along well at work. At home, this amulet will eliminate the chance of a third party from causing trouble in your marriage, or sabotaging the closeness and bond that you have between you and your family members, for example - father and son, mother and daughter, brother and sister etc.