- SKU#: SKU2819
- Weight: 1,200g
- Dim: 8.625x1.625x4.75 in (22x4x12 cm)
- Material: Brass
This immaculate brass sculpture of the mighty yet benevolent Feng Shui Dragon is depicted grasping a pearl in its claws to represent prosperity and career success. It is a highly sought-after symbol and would make a worthy addition to any Feng Shui collection.
The Dragon, which is the most potent symbol of Yang, is one of the four celestial animals in Feng Shui. It is regarded as the “Supreme Being” in comparison to all other worldly animals, because it can survive in any environment; the sea, the mountains and even the heavens. It is a mystical creature that has held emblem since ancient times, when it was believed to transfuse vitality, courage and heroism to the beholder. The dragon symbolizes power, excellence, divinity, nobility and valiancy.
For the Chinese people and for all followers of Feng Shui, the Dragon is the most highly revered animal out of all others, extremely auspicious and always treated with the highest sense of veneration. The Dragon is regarded as the strongest symbol of good fortune and prosperity because the Dragon is believed to emit a special form of chi, known as “Sheng Chi” or “Celestial Breath”. Feng Shui is essentially all about capturing and creating Sheng Chi. It is this "essence of life" energy that attracts wealth luck, good fortune, good luck, abundance and success to the area lucky enough to receive it. It is for this reason that the dragon is such a popular lucky symbol used to enhance business success and prosperity.
In Feng Shui term, mountain ranges are often described as dragons. It is not difficult to see how an undulating highland resembles a mythical dragon. Thus, Feng Shui practitioners would look for the ‘dragon’ when they evaluated a piece of property. These topography analysis would be able to tell whether an area or property has good feng shui or not. It is the same analysis that revealed Singapore has five dragons - which explains her economic strength and level of prosperity.
The Dragon can be positioned in a variety of ways around the home or office. According to Feng Shui experts, no matter where the Dragon is displayed, it is said to serve to protect the area, create confidence, attract wealth luck and stimulate the vibes of masculinity. To achieve all your goals with self-confidence and strength, use the Dragon in the following ways:
1) For good Feng Shui distributed among the whole family, display this good luck charm in a prominent area of your home or in your transport vehicle. The best sector to display the Dragon is the East; when done, you will be blessed with endless Feng Shui fortification.
2) Many establishments create logos incorporating a pregnant or fat Dragon, as this is a symbol of the creation of additional branches of business. Those who do not wish to include a Dragon in their logo also have the option to display a figurine on the desk of their superior or integral premises areas.
3) When the Feng Shui Dragon is positioned beside a water feature in your home, such as a waterfall or aquarium, it will provide enhancement for those seeking knowledge, promotions, recognition, reputation and command.
4) The cosmic chi that the Feng Shui Dragon emits is believed to help those who suffer from illnesses with speedy recovery. This is because the Yang energy of this animal, when distributed in the Health sectors (Center and East) will create long life energies and wellbeing.
5) When this lucky charm is displayed behind the area in which you most often work, it is believed to attract support from your superiors, prevent any involvement in office drama, and allow you to discover you inner potential and advance in your career.
6) For those whose Chinese zodiac animal is the Dragon, displaying it on your desk at work either in the corners of the Rat, Rooster or Monkey, or between 97.5 degrees to 127.5 degrees, is reputed to enhance wealth generation luck and money luck.
7) According to Feng Shui Bagua 8 Life Aspiration formula, the Northwest sector governs Mentor Luck and benefits the patriarch. Displaying the Feng Shui Dragon in this sector is believed to attract attention from influential people as well as form good relationships with supportive people. Mentor Luck, Nobleman Luck or "Gui Ren" luck is the kind of luck that will bring you a good samaritan or someone kind and helpful who will give you a lending hand or a life-changing push during times of distress, trouble and difficulty; not necessarily in the form of money but also opportunities, wise advice, support, encouragement or simply be there to listen. Also, it will provide the patriarch with career luck.
8) When positioned in the North corner of the home or office, the dragon is reputed to serve to augment your career success. This good luck symbol will allow you the promotions that you deserve and more respect from those around you.
The Dragon is a very powerful creature, and a few guidelines should always be observed:
1. The bedroom of a home is the residence of the Yin symbol; never place the Dragon in the bedroom as its powerful Yang will form chaos and clashing.
2. To keep a firm harness on the Dragon’s mystical and heavenly powers, always place it below eye level.
3. Treat the Dragon with the utmost respect by never displaying it in the bathroom.