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Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han

Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
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Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
Brass 18 Arhats Luo Han
  • SKU#: SKU3807 (Out Of Stock)
  • Weight: 2,850g
  • Dim: 2 to 2.25 in Height (5-6 cm)
  • Material: Brass

The Eighteen Arhats or Luo Han are the followers of the Buddha who have followed the Eightfold Path and attained the spiritual Enlightenment. They have reached the state of Nirvana and are free of worldly cravings. They are tasked to safeguard the Buddhist faith and to await on earth for the coming of Maitreya, a prophesied enlightened Buddha to arrive on earth many millennia after Gautama Buddha's death and nirvana. Their eternal status makes them akin to guardian angels, adept at warding off evil. Display them facing the main entrance to protect the house.

The Brass 18 Arhats or Luohan can also form an invaluable part of your collection of Asian art.

Let's get to know the 18 Arhats (The Eighteen Buddhist Monks)

1. Pindola the Bharadvaja (Deer Riding Arhat) - He was born in Brahman Nobility. He often returned to Jushemi City Palace riding a deer to persuade the king to be a monk. Finally the king was persuaded, giving his kingship to the crown prince and then becoming a monk. Therefore he was also called Deer-riding Luohan.

2. Kanaka the Vatsa (Happy or Joyous Arhat) - He was a disciple, who heard Buddha’s words himself, was an elocutionist in Ancient India. He thought that devotion to Buddha and considering Buddha in one’s heart could make one feel happy. Therefore he was also called Joyous Luohan. He decimates demons.

3. Kanaka the Bharadvaja (Bowl-lifting Arhat) - He always lifted his iron bowl to people when begging alms. Therefore he was also called Bowl-lifting Luohan.

4. Nandimitra (Pagoda Lifting Arhat) - He was the last disciple of Buddha. And he often prayed to Buddha holding a seven level pagoda or tower in his hand. Therefore he was also called Tower-holding Luohan.

5. Nakula (Meditating Arhat) - Once he was a brave warrior, and then he became a monk. Buddha asked him to sit quietly to give up the barbaric personality before. Therefore he was also called Quietly-sitting or meditation Luo Han.

6. Bodhidharma (Overseas Arhat) - He was a servant of Buddha. In legend he once went to East India Archipelago by boat to propagandize Buddhism. Therefore he was also called River-crossing or Overseas Luohan.

7. Kalika (Elephant Riding Arhat - He was once an elephant trainer. Elephant, with lots of strengths and tolerance and far-walking ability, is a symbol of Buddhism. Therefore he was also called Elephant-riding Lohan.

8. Vijraputra (Laughing Lion Arhat) - He was once a hunter. And he abstained from killing after becoming a monk. Two little lions often accompanied him to appreciating him dropping his bleeding sword. Therefore he was also called Smiling-lion Lohan.

9. Gobaka (Open Heart Arhat) - He was once the Mid-Indian crown prince, with whom his younger brother fought for the kingship and then rebelled. He said to his brother, “there is only Buddhism in my heart, no kingship”. Then he unclosed his clothes. Seeing a Buddha in his heart, his brother didn’t rebel any more. Therefore he was also called Heart-opening Luo Han.

10. Pantha the Elder (Raised Hand Arhat) - He was an illegitimate child. After becoming an arhat, he often used semi-sit-crosslegged method. When he finished za-zen, he rose up his hands and breathed out long. Therefore he was also called Hand-stretching or raised hand Luohan.

11. Rahula (Thinking Arhat) - He was the only child of Buddha Sakyamuni. Following his father, he became a monk, as one of the ten disciples of Buddha and the first of Mising. Mising means realising in meditation, and knowing what others don’t know in meditation. Therefore he was also called Meditative or Thinking Luo Han)

12. Nagasena (Scratch Ear Arhat) - He was a Buddhism theoretician, especially famous for the theory of ear root. Ear root is one of the six roots (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind), which are the main sense organs for human beings to know the world. In Buddhism, it is said that the six roots are the vital roots to go beyond life and death, so it is necessary to clean the six roots. He was the expert to explain lustration of ear root, so he was also called Ear-picking Lohan.

13. Angida (Calico Bag Arhat) - As a snake hunter in Ancient India, he often climbed mountains to hunter snakes with a cloth bag lest passengers suffer snakebite. He seized a snake, pulled out its poison fangs, and freed it. Therefore he was also called Hop-pocket Lohan.

14. Vanavasa (Plantain Arhat) - When he was born, it rained a lot, raindrops hitting banana leaves to rustle. After becoming a monk, he always cultivated himself according to Buddhist doctrine under banana trees. Therefore he was also called Banana or Plantain Lo Han.

15. Asita (Long Eyebrow Arhat) - He had two long eyebrows congenitally. Therefore he was also called Long-eyebrow Lou Han.

16. Pantha the Younger (Doorman Arhat) - He was given a tin stick by Buddhism, and shook it at someone’s door when begging alms. Therefore he was also called Gate-keeping Luo Han.

17. Nantimitolo (Taming Dragon Arhat) - He vanquished the dragon king, retook the sutra hidden in the Dragon Palace, making a great contribution. Therefore he was also called Dragon-taming Lohan.

18. Pindola (Taming Tiger Arhat) - There were always tigers growling outside of a temple where he lived. Then he fed one of them with some of his own food. Time passing by, the tiger was tamed, accompanying him by his side. Therefore he was also called Tiger-taming Luo Han.


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