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Anti Evil-Eye Amulet

Anti Evil-Eye Amulet
Anti Evil-Eye Amulet
Anti Evil-Eye Amulet
Anti Evil-Eye Amulet
Anti Evil-Eye Amulet
  • SKU#: SKU5383
  • Weight: 55g
  • Dim: Dia. 1.75x0.125 in, Lgth 4.375 in (4.5x0.3 cm, 33 cm)
  • Material: Metal

The evil eye of jealousy can be very toxic, and this Anti Evil Eye Amulet can be just the Feng Shui cure to offer protection from this animosity and negativity. Together with the anti-jealousy talisman, it offers a double layer of protection against envy or gossip. Jealousy or strong competition can cause people to go to great lengths to say or do harmful things to bring you down whenever possible and carrying this Feng Shui amulet provides a protection against it. Anyone can use this amulet but it is particularly beneficial for anyone who faces affliction from the #7 Betrayal/Loss Star or the #3 Hostile Star. It is also ideal for those involved in competitive or political arena.

The Blue Evil Eye or Lucky Eye, Nazar eye or Greek Evil Eye is a famous Mediterranean symbol for protection against the “Evil Eye”or not-so-well-meaning people with the eyes of jealousy and envy towards your family, achievement and good fortune, despite their praises and compliments. They will try to make life difficult for you. The Evil Eye amulet is also said to offer happiness to the friends and the beloved ones.


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