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Colorful Goddess of Wealth

Colorful Goddess of Wealth
Colorful Goddess of Wealth
Colorful Goddess of Wealth
Colorful Goddess of Wealth
Out Of Stock
Colorful Goddess of Wealth
Colorful Goddess of Wealth
Colorful Goddess of Wealth
Colorful Goddess of Wealth
Colorful Goddess of Wealth
  • SKU#: SKU1436 (Out Of Stock)
  • Weight: 950g
  • Dim: 5x3.5x5.25 in (12.7x8.9x13.3 cm)
  • Material: Resin

Place the Rich Wealth Goddess in the SE; this will serve to set in motion your wealth luck and windfall luck.

The Wealth God, is one of the most prominent icons of prosperity, wealth and fortune. He holds a unique responsibility to assist people in becoming wealthy, and is therefore very admired in Chinese society. This is the female version of the God of Wealth. She is the favorite among gamblers because she is believed to bring gambling luck and windfall luck, or luck of the speculative kind such as stock investing, horse racing or football betting. Because of this, she is nicknamed the "Queen of Gamblers".

To bring good fortune luck with business and sales, placing an image of the Goddess of Wealth in your living room, main hall or office is said to help. 

This divinity must be placed accurately in the home for best business success. It is ideal to place her directly facing your main entrance, to allow for chi to flow through entry points; another option would be to place her diagonally facing the main entrance, if directly is not feasible. The Goddess of Wealth simply needs to be displayed appropriately; it is not necessary to pray to her.

The Goddess of Wealth must be placed accurately for its powers to have effect. The following are ideal situations for the Goddess:

1) Place the Rich Wealth Goddess in the Southeast corner (Wealth corner) of the room; this will serve to set in motion your wealth luck, especially those derived from having to take risk and chances.

2) The Goddess of Wealth should be placed facing your main entrance, making her visible when anyone walks into the house or office; this will invite wealth luck into the home or office through chi entry points. In addition, the Goddess of Wealth will alter all types of chi into prosperity chi.

3) To bring in more customers and thus more sales and monetary increases, placing a Wealth Goddess in your office, store or working area is said to work.

4) Place the Goddess of Prosperity in the Northwest sector of the room; this is sid to help bring you financial support and assist in seeking opportunities for money-making.

5) For anyone looking to be successful in their field of work, a Goddess of Prosperity in the room is essential. It's believed to have the power to give us positive vibes, constantly reminding you to search for business opportunities.

6) Place the Goddess of Wealth in your Sheng Chi (Best Direction) – this can be determined based on your Feng Shui KUA number.

7) In your home or office, place the Goddess of Gambling Luck in the Water Star-8 area.

*Note* Despite the fact that you need not pray to the Wealth Goddess, you must still show them revere and respect. Never place a Wealth Goddess in the toilet, in the kitchen, or on the floor.

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