- SKU#: SKU4810 (Out Of Stock)
- Weight: 55g
- Dim: 2.125x1.875x0.1 in, Lgth 4.25 in (5.5x5x0.2 cm, 11 cm)
- Material: Metal
This gorgeous red windhorse carrying a victory Dragon flag is depicted flying into the skies to bring victory and success luck from the cosmic heavens!
This amulet features the mighty Windhorse flying towards success, and in feng shui culture, it’s believed that this amulet can help its owners move toward their own success luck and accomplishment of goals. The colorful item is beautiful to look at, and for true believers, they would not go without having the Windhorse Amulet as the best possible symbol for achieving success.
Your Success Luck or Lung Ta is dictated by your annual Windhorse reading, which varies from year to year and for people with different zodiac signs. When your Windhorse luck is strong, success comes easily. When it's weak, unexpected bad luck can strike any time and you find it hard achieve anything, even with hard work. The symbol of Wind Horse helps to make up for your weak personal Wind Horse.
Pop this talisman in your handbag, attach it to the bag. Use it as a keychain. This is said to help you if you plan to invest big or plan to take some risks involving money, and to actualize your goals. It not only invites victory, thriumph and prosperity luck, but also resilience, endurance and determination.
In Feng Shui 2019 forecast, the Tiger, Rabbit, Horse, Sheep, Dog and Boar are particularly in need of the Flying Windhorse Amulet because of your poor Success Luck (Lung Ta).