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Healing Herbs and Longevity Wu Lou

Healing Herbs and Longevity Wu Lou
Healing Herbs and Longevity Wu Lou
Healing Herbs and Longevity Wu Lou
Healing Herbs and Longevity Wu Lou
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Healing Herbs and Longevity Wu Lou
Healing Herbs and Longevity Wu Lou
Healing Herbs and Longevity Wu Lou
Healing Herbs and Longevity Wu Lou
Healing Herbs and Longevity Wu Lou
  • SKU#: SKU5509 (Out Of Stock)
  • Weight: 1,250g
  • Dim: 3.25x3.25x6.125 in (8.5x8.5x15.5 cm)
  • Material: Metal

Gorgeous Wu Lou featuring the symbol of eternity the Mystic Knot, with flowers and herbs with medicinal and healing properties. Embellished with peonies and peaches which attract happiness and longevity respectively, as well as abundance of love and romance energies. Filled with powerful health mantras, the Healing Herbs & Longevity Wu Lou is a great activator for good health luck and happiness. In year 2023, place it in the East sector to combat the Illness Star #2.

The Wulou has been the ultimate symbol of longevity, good health and prosperity for many centuries and is always shown carried by the God of Longevity as an elixir of good health and immortality. The Wu Lou, also known as the Hu Lu or calabash is an important tool used in bringing plenty of blessings and good Feng Shui into the home

The traditional of the Wu Lou started in ancient China, when gourds served the purpose of carrying water on long embarkments. In addition to simply water, medicine was also stored in the gourds; this is where the image of it as a "symbol of health, vitality and immortality" was derived. 

The shape itself of the Wu Lou plays an important role in its image; it is a depiction of heaven and earth unified. The top half of the gourd symbolizes heaven, and the bottom half is earth. The use of the gourd by humans indicates the harmony between earth, heaven and humanity.

The Feng Shui Wu Lou or HuLu is also said to have the ability to absorb bad chi, for the reason that Taoist monks use the gourd to incarcerate evil spirits. According to Chinese mythology, monks and deities of the Taoist belief made use of the gourd, trapping evil presences inside to prevent them from causing misdemeanour.

One can use Wu Lou in an abundance of ways around the home; these uses serve as both Feng Shui cures and enhancers. Follow these tips to enhance the beneficial features of Feng Shui in your life:

1) A Wu Lou made from brass or metal is the perfect Feng Shui cure for Flying Star Feng Shui devotees, as it will prevent the dreaded #2 illness star from causing havoc in your life. Place this Feng Shui cure wherever you see the #2 sickness Flying Star appears. It is reputed to absorb the sometimes deadly bad chi, absorbing the effects of any injuries, ailments, and fatal illnesses.

2) If someone you know is facing illness or disease, provide them with a Wu Lou to place next to their bed. For a better result, hang two on either side of the bed. This is believed to give them strength to recover from illness of a serious nature.

3) Present the Healing Herbs & Longevity Wu Lou to elders as a birthday present is an endearing thing to do; this is said to offer them a long and healthy life.

4) To prevent bad chi which will harm your career, place this feng shui symbol on your desk at the office or wherever you perform your work.

5) To prevent bad chi from causing accidents, hang this lucky charm in your vehicle of transport.

6) To promote good health luck and prosperity luck, while at the same time eliminating bad chi, place as many of this feng shui product as you can afford around your property.

7) To maximize better health luck for your whole family, placing a Healing Herbs & Longevity Wu Lou in the East sector of your living or family room will prove to be ideal. This is because the East sector is known by the Feng Shui Bagua formula as the “universal health luck corner”

8) If you often face difficulties with bad luck, keep a feng shui Wu Lou in a place where you spend a majority of your time. This good luck charm will serve to bring you better fortune.

9) If you are ailed by health problems or face recurring issues with your health, placing this Feng Shui cure in the Tien Yi (Health Corner based on Feng Shui Kua) of your bedroom is believed to help.

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Tags: wulou , hulu , gourd , #2 , sickness , illness , health
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