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Dragon Carp Amulet

Dragon Carp Amulet
Dragon Carp Amulet
Dragon Carp Amulet
Dragon Carp Amulet
Dragon Carp Amulet
  • SKU#: SKU5458
  • Weight: 65g
  • Dim: 2.375x2.625x0.25 in, Lgth 5.25 in (6x6.7x0.6 cm, 13 cm)
  • Material: Misc

The Feng Shui Keychain featuring the Dragon Carp is designed to energize education and career luck. It symbolizes the successful culmination of study and hard work. Perfect for those looking for excellent grades in their studies or those wishing to achieve success in the field of their career interests.

In Feng Shui, the Dragon Carp is a symbol of ambition, achievement through determination and hard work and is often said to bring many kinds of luck: educational luck, career success, prosperity luck and luck in literary pursuits. It symbolizes great achievement luck and helps anyone competing for awards or scholarship to win them. It is the perfect feng shui enhancer for school-going kids, students and young adults starting out in new careers. 

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