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Colorful Liuli Pair of Piyao Tassel

Colorful Liuli Pair of Piyao Tassel
Colorful Liuli Pair of Piyao Tassel
Colorful Liuli Pair of Piyao Tassel
Colorful Liuli Pair of Piyao Tassel
Colorful Liuli Pair of Piyao Tassel
Colorful Liuli Pair of Piyao Tassel
Colorful Liuli Pair of Piyao Tassel
  • SKU#: SKU4023
  • Weight: 80g
  • Dim: 2x1.875x0.5 in, Lgth 14.5 in (5x4.8x1.5 cm, 37 cm)
  • Material: Glass

A beautiful lucky tassel empowered with a mystic knot featuring a colorful liuli crystal Piyao pair biting on a coin pendant.

This mystical good luck creature Pi Yao is the wonderful creature whose task is to provide the blessings of good finance and wealth luck. A very fascinating fact about this lucky creature is that it does not have an anus, so that, despite its never-ending appetite, things go in yet never discharged. It is said that the Piyao likes to eat gold and silver (as depicted in this charm) eventhough it does not have an excretory system. This is a unique symbolism, indicating that money will come to you but never leave.

The Pi Yao is found in many places in Oriental countries, such as banks, casinos, and finance companies – anything that has to do with a benefit from monetary gain. Since ancient times, when it served to safeguard the homes of emperors and government officials, the Chinese have always admired and respected this extremely good luck symbol. It is a very loyal creature, and will always attempt to rid its owners life of bad luck and replace it with wealth luck.

The Pi Yao is believed to offer its owner a minimum of eight blessings, which are named below:
1. Brings fortune and good tidings
2. Producer of good Feng Shui or Earth luck
3. Attracts wealth and prosperity 
4. Safeguards the home and the residents in it
5. Exterminates evil, adversity and obstacles
6. Summons windfall luck 
7. Protects from accident during travel 
8. Appeases Tai Sui

All products from our Feng Shui shop are cleansed and infused with positive energy before shipping.

Here are some Feng Shui tips on how to make the best out of this lucky charm pendant:

1) Individuals with horoscope signs who are in direct or indirect conflict with “Tai Sui” should place the Pi Yao in the area where the annual Grand Duke Jupiter lives, as well as wear or carry a Pi Yao amulet at all times. This is an incredibly potent lucky charm that will assist in appeasing the Grand Duke Jupiter, eliminating any bad luck or negative energy.

2) For people especially businessmen who often embark on long journeys, it is best to constantly wear or carry a Pi Yao amulet. This is said to serve as protection from injuries and accidents, and guarantee victorious voyages with many business opportunities. In addition to this, the Pi Yao will capture good fortune in its stomach, and keep evil intentions (from both spirits and people) at bay.

3) To safeguard yourself from malicious spirits, people with bad intentions and bad luck, and to replace it all with good fortune, you should hang this charm nearby.

4) This lucky charm makes an excellent feng shui gift for gamblers and investors who often dab their luck in the casino, stock market, lottery, horse racing, football betting or mahjong games.

5) Hang the Colorful Liuli Pair of Piyao Tassel in your car for safety, especially if you are in conflict with Tai Sui in a particular year. There have been many cases where individuals involved in car accidents or burglary encounters left the ordeal without any injuries or issues, and later noticed that the Pi Yao amulet they had been carrying was broken into pieces or was damaged. It is believed that in such cases, the Pi Yao sacrifices itself for its owners well being.

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