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Boudhanath Stupa Keychain

Boudhanath Stupa Keychain
Boudhanath Stupa Keychain
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Boudhanath Stupa Keychain
Boudhanath Stupa Keychain
Boudhanath Stupa Keychain
  • SKU#: SKU3987 (Out Of Stock)
  • Weight: 55g
  • Dim: 1.25x1.25x1.5 in, Lgth 3.625 in (3x3x4 cm, 9 cm)
  • Material: Metal

This Feng Shui keychain features the beautiful replica of the Boudhanath Stupa of Katmandu. Its huge mandala makes it one the largest spherical stupas in Nepal. It is said that those who are lucky enough to connect with the sacred Boudhanath Stupa will be blessed with prosperity, happiness and good fortune in this life and all future lives.

When you carry this all-powerful Stupa, its four pairs of Buddha Eyes will watch over you and catch troubles and negative energy from four directions before they can fully reach you to cause harm. There are 6 levels of powerful spiritual protection associated with the Stupa and its presence in your environment is always very purifying. This feng shui cure will help to subdue the year’s afflictions and ward off hostile people in your space before they can cause friction. The Bhoudhanath Stupa Keychain grants all material and spiritual wishes, and ensures your strong personal aura manifests in the best way possible for you.

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