- SKU#: SKU3511 (Out Of Stock)
- Weight: 70g
- Dim: 2x2.25 in, Lgth 4.75 in (5x6 cm, 12 cm)
- Material: Metal
This beautiful blue Anti-Burglary Amulet keychain featuring the symbols of the formidable Elephant, Rhino and waves of water is empowered by sacred mantras to offer Feng Shui protection from betrayal, robbery and mugging if your house faces the direction afflicted by the vicious #7 Violent Star. Those with their offices or bedrooms located in the afflicted corner are also vulnerable.
In the year 2016, the location of the Violent/Burglary Star is North which the Career sector. This brings severe office politicking at work. The Rat, Ox and Boar horoscope signs are affected as well because North is part of your home location. You are strongly advised to carry this Anti-Burglary Amulet Feng Shui keychain for protection.
In the year 2017 the Flying Star #7 moves to SW (affecting Sheeps and Monkeys), year 2018 into the East (affecting Tigers, Rabbits and Dragons) and 2019 into the SE palace.