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Pair of Horses with Wealth Bag and Wealth Pot

Pair of Horses with Wealth Bag and Wealth Pot
Pair of Horses with Wealth Bag and Wealth Pot
Pair of Horses with Wealth Bag and Wealth Pot
Out Of Stock
Pair of Horses with Wealth Bag and Wealth Pot
Pair of Horses with Wealth Bag and Wealth Pot
Pair of Horses with Wealth Bag and Wealth Pot
Pair of Horses with Wealth Bag and Wealth Pot
  • SKU#: SKU2983 (Out Of Stock)
  • Weight: 450g
  • Dim: 3x2x3.75 in each (7.6x5.1x9.5 cm)
  • Material: Resin

A pair of highly auspicious Horse figurines depicted with a Wealth Pot and a Wealth Bag on their backs. They are standing on stacks of gold ingots, coins and jewelries. Collectively, all these symbols represent endless good fortune, prosperity, success, wealth, abundance and affluence.

Although you can display this good fortune figurine in any year, it's a very auspicious Feng Shui symbol to have during the year of the Horse 2014, especially during the lunar New Year 2014.

This horse is a representation of confidence, vitality and success. It symbolizes achieving greater heights and the upwardly-mobile career path. Because the Horses are a symbol of power, endurance and perseverance, they are a highly regarded auspicious symbol in Feng Shui, allowing the beholder to sprint stably through any obstacle in the journey of life.

In Feng Shui, the horse, is a popular figure to display or hang in the home. Paintings and figurines can often be found placed around houses all across Asia. It is a symbol of success, strength, loyalty, conquest, speed, perseverance and confidence.


Chinese Horse Painting


You can place the Horse figurine in the main areas of your home or workplace. The Horse is best placed in the South sector because its inherent element is fire. When placed in the South corner (Feng Shui Bagua formula) of a room, the Horse is said to best benefit to bring fame, respect, reputation and popularity.

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