- SKU#: SKU3536 (Out Of Stock)
- Weight: 70g
- Dim: 0.875x0.875x1.75 in, Lgth 4.375 in (2x2x4.5 cm, 11 cm)
- Material: Metal
This golden Pagoda pillar keychain is engraved with sacred Mantra on it. It is designed to suppress the #5 Yellow Star which brings serious bad luck and misfortunes. The location of the #5 Flying Star changes every year. Those with houses face the afflicted direction, or their offices, living room, maindoor or bedroom located in this sector should completely weaken this malicious star from bringing harm such as accidents,sickness, reversal of fortune and ill-intention people by carrying this Feng Shui cure.
In the year 2016, the location of the Misfortune Star Five Yellow or Wu Wang is NE sector. The Tiger and Ox horoscope signs are affected as well because NE is part of your home location. You are strongly advised to carry this Anti-Burglary Amulet Feng Shui keychain for protection.
In the year 2017 the Flying Star #5 moves to South (affecting Horses), year 2018 into the North (affecting Rats) and 2019 into the SW palace (Sheeps and Monkeys).