- SKU#: SKU3635
- Weight: 60g
- Dim: 1.25x2x0.5 in (3x5x1.5 cm)
- Material: Crystal
Every one of the 12 zodiac signs has its own special deity to help provide powerful guidance and support for that particular sign. This guardian deity helps in removing obstacles, while attracting wealth and abundance. For the RAT, the deity is the Thousand Armed Avalokiteshvara, who possesses amazing energy to help ward off disasters, ease one’s problems and to help manifest fortune and health. The deity will go to great lengths to protect and help guide the life of its charge, the RAT.
This beautifully carved, high quality black obsidian pendant features the emblem of Avalokiteshvara, better known as Kuan Yin. Obsidian is believed to hold magical properties to offer emotional healing and protection and is perfectly suited to Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy, seated here with her many pairs of arms offering blessings of comfort, healing and protection in many directions at once.
Obsidian is a stone with great power that does wonders for improving self-image and enhancing self-esteem. For those with confidence issues, such as shame or shyness, Obsidian will induce personal development and allow you to overcome any obstacles in your way. A strongly protective stone, it will shield you against negativities or bad intentions, alleviates depression or stress, and disperses unloving thoughts.
This stone will help your mind to recover from any tragedies you endured in the past, and will help you to get past any hard feelings or fear that may have stemmed from these traumas. It facilitates the release of old loves and provides support during change. Obsidian crystal clears confusion and constricting beliefs, bringing clarity to the mind. It helps you to know who you truly are.
RATS seeking the most benefits from this guardian are advised to wear or have near them the Guardian Deity Horoscope Protector Pendant. It can also be displayed in the North, hung in a bedroom or kept among special personal items.
Find out what your Chinese Horoscope Sign is.