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Medicine Buddha Plaque

Medicine Buddha Plaque
Medicine Buddha Plaque
Medicine Buddha Plaque
Medicine Buddha Plaque
Medicine Buddha Plaque
Medicine Buddha Plaque
Medicine Buddha Plaque
  • SKU#: SKU5784
  • Weight: 260g
  • Dim: 5.125x5.125x0.5 in (13x13x1.3 cm)
  • Material: Wood

The Medicine Buddha serves as a guardian against illness and promotes a swift and complete recovery for those who are unwell. It proves particularly beneficial for individuals who are advanced in age, experiencing health issues, or afflicted by the #2 Illness Star. Additionally, this Feng Shui plaque incorporates protective elements such as the Longevity Amulet and Amulet Against All Disease.

Furthermore, the plaque showcases the Medicine Buddha's mantra, which reads: "Tayatha Om Bekandze Bekandze Maha Bekandze Radza Samudgate Soha."

Medicine Buddha, also known as the Healing Buddha or the King of Healers, holds a significant place in Mahayana Buddhism. This revered figure is renowned for his compassionate vow to alleviate suffering and promote well-being. According to Buddhist scriptures, Medicine Buddha made twelve profound vows upon attaining Enlightenment, including healing physical and mental afflictions, aiding the sick, and offering spiritual medicine to purify negative karma.

Medicine Buddha's compassionate nature extends to all beings, and those who seek his assistance believe that he can help heal not only physical ailments but also spiritual and psychological suffering.

Worshipped as a powerful symbol of healing and compassion, Medicine Buddha embodies the hope for relief from suffering and the pursuit of a healthy and harmonious life. His image and blessings are revered by many as a source of solace and spiritual well-being.

For the year 2024, it is advisable to place the Medicine Buddha Plaque in the Southeastern sector, where the Illness Star is positioned.

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