Love Amulet with Moon Rabbit
- SKU#: SKU5176
- Weight: 55g
- Dim: Dia. 1.875x0.125 in, Lgth 4.625 in (5x0.3 cm, 12 cm)
- Material: Metal
The Moon Rabbit is often associated with romantic love and is used in Feng Shui as a symbol to attract fulfilling long-lasting kind of love into your life. If you are looking for a soulmate, wanting to get married, hoping to strengthen your current bond with your other half or trying to take your current relationship to the next level, carry this Love Amulet with Moon Rabbit for assistance.
Ancient Chinese legend has it that the Rabbit could become pregnant simply by basking in the bright lights of a full moon. You can also carry this Feng Shui amulet to enhance fertility luck.