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Life Force Amulet with Red Windhorse & Wishgranting Mantra

Life Force Amulet with Red Windhorse & Wishgranting Mantra
Life Force Amulet with Red Windhorse & Wishgranting Mantra
Life Force Amulet with Red Windhorse & Wishgranting Mantra
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Life Force Amulet with Red Windhorse & Wishgranting Mantra
Life Force Amulet with Red Windhorse & Wishgranting Mantra
Life Force Amulet with Red Windhorse & Wishgranting Mantra
Life Force Amulet with Red Windhorse & Wishgranting Mantra
  • SKU#: SKU4952 (Out Of Stock)
  • Weight: 45g
  • Dim: 2.5x1.75x0.125 in, Lgth 4.5 in (6.5x4.5x0.3 cm, 11.5 cm)
  • Material: Metal

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Excellent good fortune and an uplifted sense of vitality can be the result from this Life Force Amulet with Red Windhorse. Empowered with a Wu Lou  containing the elixir of life and engraved with the double dorje symbol and wish-granting mantra, success and victory are enhanced when it is used as a keychain or clipped onto a purse or other item you carry. Though anyone can benefit from this item, this Feng Shui Keychain is especially necessary for any sign where poor Life Force element luck is present.

The signs of the Snake, the Horse, Monkey and Rooster are particularly affected in 2020 and should consider this an essential item, though all signs seeking maximum success potential can benefit.

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