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SKU#: SKU5806
Entering the new Period of 9 holds profound significance, especially regarding the number 9, which represents wealth in this current period. Symbolizing Current Prosperity, the number 9 holds immense power in attracting wealth. Displaying this number harnesses potent energies of abundance.
Our Lu..
SKU#: SKU5832
Entering the new Period of 9 holds profound significance, especially regarding the number 9, which represents wealth in this current period (year 2024-4043). Symbolizing Current Prosperity, the number 9 holds immense power in attracting wealth. Carrying The Lucky 9 Amulet number harnesses ..
SKU#: SKU5643
Carry the Feng Shui Joyous Windhorse Amulet Keychain with balloons to help you overcome all obstacles and bring fabulous success energy and victory luck in pursuing your goals. The balloons come with wishfulfilling mantra, in three colors - blue for friends, green for intelligence and red ..
SKU#: SKU1212
This lucky charm is a favorite among those who often dab their luck in the lottery, stock market and horse racing.
Beautiful hand-carved Piyao pendant available in three types of crystal: Tiger's Eye, Yellow Jasper and Agate.
This mystical good luck creature is the ninth son of the Heavenl..
SKU#: SKU2518
The Money Frog, also recognized by name the “Three Legged Toad”, is a celestial and mythical creature, emerging every full moon to bring with it wealth and good fortune. It is one of the most prominent icons of prosperity and monetary gain in Feng Shui, and can often be spotted beside ca..
SKU#: SKU1245
Individuals who are attempting to get a better grip on the career ladder or thriump over competition will most appreciate the Fly on Horse symbol.
While the Horse alone is a strong representation of business success and accelerated achievement, it is even more potent when it is paired with the Fl..
SKU#: SKU1649
The Pi Yao would sacrifice itself for its owners well being and safety.
This mystical good luck creature Pi Yao is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon whose task is to provide the blessings of good finance and wealth. A very fascinating fact about this lucky creature is that it does not have an ..
SKU#: SKU1648
The Pi Yao offers its owner a minimum of eight blessings, one of which is to enhance wealth luck.
This mystical good luck creature Pi Yao is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon whose task is to provide the blessings of good finance and wealth. A very fascinating fact about this lucky creature is..
SKU#: SKU2353
Do you always find yourself bad luck? That things just simply always turn out the opposite of what you want?
A beautiful pair of heavenly Pi Yao depicted with wings made of resin to imitate the precious jade.
This mystical good luck creature is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon whose task i..
SKU#: SKU1737
The Wish-fulfilling Elephant is a prominent symbol of strength, protection, wisdom, dignity, leadership qualities and courage. The Money Toad, on the other hand, is well-known symbol of excellent wealth luck. When these two auspicious animals are combined, they mean stability and victory in your car..
SKU#: SKU2218
Chinese Feng Shui Frog, or Chan Chu, is prized as a magnet for the luck of prosperity, good fortune and abundance.
The Money Frog, also recognized by name the “Three Legged Toad”, is the celestial and mythical creature, emerging every full moon to bring with it wealth and good fortune..
SKU#: SKU1657
Are you fighting your way out of a losing streak in your gambling affairs? This replica of an ancient lock coin is a specially designed lucky charm to enhance your gambling and speculative luck. This good luck amulet will give gamblers of all kind a better luck advantage - whether they play games or..