The Three Killings, known as "sarmsaat," is a highly detrimental affliction in Feng Shui that demands serious attention. In 2024, the Three Killings afflict the South sector, where the Loss Star #7 also resides. As we are in the inaugural year of the new Period of 9, controlling this affli..
The Three Killings, known as "sarmsaat," is a highly detrimental affliction in Feng Shui that demands serious attention. In 2024, the Three Killings afflict the South sector, where the Loss Star #7 also resides. As we are in the inaugural year of the new Period of 9, controlling this affliction beco..
The Three Killings, known as "sarmsaat," is a highly detrimental affliction in Feng Shui that demands serious attention. In 2024, the Three Killings afflict the South sector, where the Loss Star #7 also resides. As we are in the inaugural year of the new Period of 9, controlling this affli..
This Feng Shui protection plaque features the three celestial guardians with implements: the Pi Yao is shown biting on a fearless sword to combat against loss of wealth, the Chi Lin with a Lasso on its neck to prevent losing your loved ones and the Fu Dog carries a Hook on its back to protect your r..
The Three Killings affliction creates setbacks and ruins reputation, causes monetary loss and brings mishaps and accidents.
The 3 Celestial Shield Portable Amulet is a newly designed Feng Shui cure keychain to effectively provide strong spiritual protection against the Three Killings affliction a..