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Heart Sutra Pagoda Keychain

Heart Sutra Pagoda Keychain
Heart Sutra Pagoda Keychain
Heart Sutra Pagoda Keychain
Heart Sutra Pagoda Keychain
Heart Sutra Pagoda Keychain
  • SKU#: SKU5416
  • Weight: 80g
  • Dim: 1.375x2.875x0.125 in , Lgth 5.25 in (3.5x7.5x0.3 cm, 13 cm)
  • Material: Metal

This beautiful Heart Sutra Pagoda keychain is designed to weaken the #5 Yellow Star which brings serious bad luck and misfortunes of all kinds. It can bring loss of income, wealth, good health and relationships.

The location of the #5 Flying Star changes every year. Those with houses face the afflicted direction, or their offices, living room, maindoor or bedroom located in the sector of the #5 Misfortune Star should subdue this dangerous star from bringing harm such as accidents, sickness, reversal of fortune and ill-intention people by carrying this Feng Shui cure. You should carry this Feng Shui cure too if your horoscope sign is afflicted. The Heart Sutra Pagoda has also the power to summon spirit protectors to your side.

In the year of the Tiger 2022, the Five Yellow is especially strong as it returns to its home location in the center. This also means all horoscope signs are afflicted so everyone is highly advised to carry the Heart Sutra Pagoda Keychain this year.

In the year of the Rabbit 2023, the Five Yellow shifts to the Northwest, affecting the patriarch, Dog and Boar.

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