- SKU#: SKU3755 (Out Of Stock)
- Weight: 55g
- Dim: 2.375x1.5x0.125 in, Lgth 4.75 in (6x3.8x0.3 cm, 12 cm)
- Material: Metal
The mythical creature of the Garuda Bird is depicted in this keychain also depicting the illness-fighting Wu Lou. The mythical Garuda is believed to be a feng shui symbol to keep illness energy at bay. The magical dakini angel amulet symbol featured on the back is meant to bring peace and keep disease or an epidemic of any kind from harming its owner. Because the #2 Illness Star arrives in the Northwest in 2017, it is strongly advised that the patriarch in a family (father or grandfather), or those born in a Dog or Pig year to keep the keychain close by. If your home faces the Northwest, or a bedroom is in the Northwest, it is wise to carry this keychain and put its illness-fighting powers to work. For those who find the monthly #2 Star landing in their bedroom, it is also advised to call upon this amulet.
Those who may already have an illness or those who have a weak life force in 2017 will benefit from the Garuda as well.
In the year 2018, the Illness Star flies into the West (affecting Roosters, Monkeys and Dogs) and in year 2019, it resides in NE (affecting Ox and Tigers). In 2020, it lands in the South (affecting Horses, Snakes and Sheep).