- SKU#: SKU5678
- Weight: 20g
- Dim: 2.125x3.375 in (5.5x8.5 cm)
- Material: Metal
Experience the allure of prosperity and abundance by carrying this captivating Feng Shui amulet card with its hidden talisman. Enchantingly adorned with the image of White Dzambala, the revered Buddha of Wealth, riding his magnificent Azure Dragon.
Keep this golden talisman card nestled within your wallet and unlock the gateway to good wealth luck. Invite the auspicious energies of abundance into your life while safeguarding yourself against the uncertainties of an ever-changing economic landscape.
Elevate your prosperity luck with this Wealth Talisman Gold Card, a Feng Shui talisman that serves as a constant reminder of the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. Let the power of White Dzambala and his resplendent Azure Dragon guide you towards a future filled with abundance and financial well-being.
White Dzambhala, also known as Jhambala, seated upon a majestic Dragon, is a potent Tibetan Wealth deity renowned for bestowing wealth fortune and fostering career triumph. This benevolent deity is also revered for ushering in financial prosperity, offering a helping hand to those facing unemployment or financial difficulties. White Dzambhala's sacred duty involves alleviating the sufferings and obstacles inflicted by poverty while promoting the inflow of wealth luck.
Moreover, White Dzambhala is believed to go beyond material riches, enriching practitioners with virtues, wisdom, spiritual advancement, and meritorious deeds. This revered deity is particularly favorable for individuals aspiring to secure opportunities for advancement, ensuring a stable income, and fostering a steady cash flow.