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Double Blue Rhinoceros Feng Shui Cure

Double Blue Rhinoceros Feng Shui Cure
Double Blue Rhinoceros Feng Shui Cure
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Double Blue Rhinoceros Feng Shui Cure
Double Blue Rhinoceros Feng Shui Cure
Double Blue Rhinoceros Feng Shui Cure
  • SKU#: SKU2426 (Out of Stock)
  • Weight: 700g
  • Dim: Dia. 5x3 in (12.7x7.6 cm)
  • Material: Resin

The Pair of Protective Blue Rhinoceros are a well known feng shui symbol of protection against robbery, accidents, office drama or betrayal, especially against the #7 Violent Star in Period 8.

The # 7 Flying Star is a very malicious one, and brings with it burglary, robbery, violence and bloodshed. To keep this star (in our Period 8 chart) from bringing accidents and causing harm, display this Feng Shui cure in the sector affected by the star. The intrinsic element of the #7 violent star is metal. Water exhausts metal. This "Blue" Feng Shui cure with the image of two formidable protective Rhinos in a plate that looks like it is filled with water are best representing a strong water element that will crush the #7 star metal energy. If you main door is located in the afflicted sector, you must use this cure for protection.

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Tags: rhino , violence
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