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Bejeweled Tree of Life with Birds and Coins

Bejeweled Tree of Life with Birds and Coins
Bejeweled Tree of Life with Birds and Coins
Bejeweled Tree of Life with Birds and Coins
Bejeweled Tree of Life with Birds and Coins
Bejeweled Tree of Life with Birds and Coins
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Bejeweled Tree of Life with Birds and Coins
Bejeweled Tree of Life with Birds and Coins
Bejeweled Tree of Life with Birds and Coins
Bejeweled Tree of Life with Birds and Coins
Bejeweled Tree of Life with Birds and Coins
Bejeweled Tree of Life with Birds and Coins
  • SKU#: SKU2102 (Out of Stock)
  • Weight: 995g
  • Dim: 4.75x4x6.25 in (12x10.2x15.9 cm)
  • Material: Metal

This beautiful bejeweled Tree of Life is decorated with birds and coins to attract excellent business luck, good opportunities and wealth luck. It not only overcomes the ill effect of Flying star #5 when placed in the afflicted sector but at the same time the Tree of Life with Birds brings opportunities from the cosmic constellations and turns the nasty five yellow into a wealth bringing star. Brilliant!

You can also display it in the area where the number six Heavenly flying star resides. This star brings celestial's blessing and good fortune from the heaven. It also signifies power, authority, influence and control over money. You can bring this auspicious #6 star to life and invoke the best kind of results from it by placing the Bejeweled Tree of Life or Tree of Wealth with six birds and six gold coins in the said sector. Exciting news will come to the household and everyone will be blessed with positive cosmic energy.

It makes a gorgeous addition to any home decor.

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Tags: bejewelled , trees
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