- SKU#: SKU5627
- Weight: 330g
- Dim: 6.125x4.875x0.625 in (15.5x12.5x1.5 cm)
- Material: Wood
The #7 Robbery/Loss Star attracts violence, theft and outflow of big money. It can also threaten betrayal or infidelity, harming relationships between partners. The powerful Feng Shui plaque depicting the mighty Blue Rhino and Elephant duo and the Anti-Robbery Amulet is believed to provide a layer of protection against potential robbery, burglary, money loss and people who wish to do harm to you.
To maximize its effects, it is highly suggested you place the Anti Burglary Plaque in the sector of your home or office where the #7 Star resides to guard against loss, betrayal or any type of setback financially. You can hang this Plaque on a wall or display on a table/cabinet.
If you sleep in the afflicted sector, of if your main door is located or facing the afflicted direction, you will need this Feng Shui cure